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Did Extraterrestrials Build The Moon?

Writer's picture: J.P. RobinsonJ.P. Robinson

Many amazing facts have come to light in recent years with respect to our mysterious moon. Books have been written which have covered the subject in detail and any researcher who has followed this trail cannot help but be astounded by the information which has surfaced. It appears that the moon itself shouldn’t actually be where it is, and all the data regarding the moon’s size and its distance from the sun and from the Earth, have confounded scientists and researchers alike.

The Moon revolves at exactly one hundredth of the speed that the Earth turns on its axis. It is also precisely 400 times smaller than the Sun and exactly 400 times closer to the Earth. Patterns and number sequences are consistent when looking at all of the Moon’s major aspects, contrary to the inconsistencies of all other planets and moons in our solar system. If you divide the circumference of the Sun by that of the Moon and multiply by 100 you get the polar circumference of the Earth. In fact, so precise are the measurements and correlations between the Earth, Sun and Moon that any differentiation in the figures would inevitably lead to vastly visible changes. Take the solar eclipse for example; the Sun would no longer be able to conceal itself so perfectly behind the Moon. That astoundingly perfect fit that we take for granted would cease to be.

The diameter of the Moon is 2,160 miles whilst the Sun’s colossal diameter is 864,000 miles across, so it is a remarkable coincidence that the two spheres should appear the same size during the eclipse. In his book Space, Time and Other Things, American author Isaac Asimov makes an observation about this truly amazing situation, “What makes a total eclipse so remarkable is the sheer astronomical reason why the Moon and the Sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion.”

There are many theories doing the rounds regarding the enigmatic nature of Earth’s Moon. Many claim that the moon is an artificial satellite rather than a natural object. It is hollow, which should be impossible were it a natural planetary object. As noted astronomer Dr. Carl Sagan wrote in 1966, “A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object.”

NASA astronauts have tested the Moon’s density on several occasions using seismic equipment and have reported officially that the Moon rings like a bell when struck. Seismological equipment recorded the shock waves caused by the Lunar Module ascent stage of Apollo 12 when it was sent crashing into the Moon. NASA scientists were dumbfounded by the results as the artificially created Moonquake lasted for 55 minutes. Apollo 12’s seismic records were not unique either as the seismometers they had set up also recorded the vibrations caused by the impact of the Apollo 13’s ill-fated Saturn rocket booster 87 miles away. The impact was equivalent to 11 tons of TNT and the entire Moon reportedly vibrated for longer than 3 hours and 20 minutes, reaching a depth of 22-25 miles down. The Apollo 14’s S-IVB was also sent crashing into the lunar surface by remote control causing the shock waves, which were detected by instruments 108 miles away, to vibrate for over three hours. According to a NASA science publication “the Moon reacted like a gong.”

Interestingly, the probability that the Moon was NOT actually a solid satellite was first realised and mentioned back in 1962, the year following JFK’s ‘man landing on the Moon’ speech. It is noteworthy to consider the implications that the Apollo program was actually built on the knowledge that the Moon in all likelihood must be an artificial construct. The data became available to them from 1962-63 onward that the Moon was not a natural satellite and as Ingo Swann stated, “It would also have been clear that the two Earthside superpowers fully expected to utilise the Lunar cavities as opportunistic Moonbase habitation. This “plan”, however, seems not to have been fulfilled. One is forced to wonder WHY?”

The immediate reaction within scientific circles at the time was that the data which suggested the object to be hollow must be faulty, however, the several studies which followed arrived at the same conclusions. Finally, in February 1962, Dr. Sean C. Solomon of MIT reported that “The Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon’s gravitational field…indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow.”

So, if the Moon is a hollow artificial construct as the facts lead us to understand, who built the Moon, how did they get it into its present orbit and why did they put it there? How is it that our moon remains stationary in Earth’s orbit, never revealing the dark side to us? Such questions will certainly not be answered overnight but the initial realisation that our Moon is not a natural object behaving naturally would raise a few eyebrows were it common public knowledge.

The mainstream scientific community continues to the present day to insist that both the Earth and the Moon were formed from the same rock when our solar system first came into being roughly 4.5 billion years ago. However, since the advancements in science over recent years, the dating system for rocks has become much more accurate, as tracks burned into the rocks by cosmic rays can now be examined. Interestingly, the oldest rocks on Earth found so far only date back 3.5 billion years. It is clear from these figures alone that the Earth may not be as old as initially thought and that Moon dust appears to have existed nearly 2 billion years before the solar system was formed, therefore putting official scientific opinion regarding the Moons origins into chaos.

[Excerpt taken from Chapter 8 - ‘Space Secrecy’ from The Alien Enigma by J.P. Robinson]


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