Ancient Apocalypse: Finally in the Mainstream Arena
Perusing Netxflix recently I was thrilled to discover Graham Hancock's eight part docuseries Ancient Apocalypse.

I have followed Graham's work since the release of Fingerprints of the Gods, and much of his research regarding the possibility of a lost civilization in antiquity has spilled over into my own work. Watching the series brought up so much of what I wrote in The Myth of Man about the Great Flood at the end of the last Ice Age, and the existence of an advanced civilization prior to that apocalyptic cataclysm.
When I was fortunate to meet Graham in person during his promotional book tour for Magicians of the Gods back in 2015, I asked him a few questions relating to the fascinating work of author Michael Cremo and the discovery of anomalously ancient artefacts from around the world. Although slightly reticent to divulge his own personal opinions on such remarkable discoveries, it is evident that the ancient modern human skeletons found in ancient strata, along with a plethora of unexplained objects that were seemingly out of place, greatly compliment Graham's theories.

Author JP Robinson with Graham Hancock in 2015
Graham is very focussed and single-minded in his approach to discovering evidence of a pre-diluvial civilization which has been wiped from both the earth and human memory. His detailed research has revealed more and more proof that the unknown technologies used to build the many pyramids and ancient megalithic structures across the globe which demonstrate such a sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, geometry and advanced mathematics, in fact were passed down from a previous and as yet unknown civilization of great antiquity.
When researching the subjects for The Myth of Man, it was unclear at the beginning how these different myths tied together into one accessible narrative, but the basis of the Netflix series Ancient Apocalypse describing the destruction and mass flooding caused by a huge comet strike from the Taurid meteor stream over ten thousand years ago is the smoking gun.
My book highlights the possibility that many of the world's myths have their roots firmly rooted in fact, and includes the fascinating likelihood that giants, and ancient hominids like Sasquatch and the Himalayan Yeti truly existed on this planet in the remote past. And in the case of the hominids, may well survive today.
Cremo's work pushing the dates of modern human types back millions of years instead of the current estimates of 100,000 years or so, also ties into this idea that much of what we know about human history is wrong. I mean, look at the Laetoli footprints for example, discovered by Mary Leakey in the Tanzanian fossilised volcanic ash 3.6 million years ago. Because of the epoch those prints belong to they were assigned to an early human type Australopithecus afarensis, despite Leakey herself claiming that they were identical to the prints of a modern human foot. Just one example of scientific bias changing the way we understand our past.
And then there's Atlantis, that mythical civilization popularised by Plato thousands of years ago. He was told by Solon that the demise of Atlantis from a great flood took place 9,600 BCE - the exact same date that Hancock explains as the time of the cataclysmic flood 11,600 years ago. And low and behold, that date pops up again as the precise time when Gobekli Tepe in Turkey was intentionally buried under tons of earth like some kind of time capsule meant to be unearthed at some point in the distant future.

Gobekli Tepe - The oldest megalithic site ever discovered (so far)
It is so refreshing to finally see these theories of prehistory step into the mainstream arena after all these years. I just hope that it creates enough interest to eventually fund further research in this area in the hope that we can improve our understanding of our ancient and remote past. It is clear that what we know today is only a tiny fraction of our true history as a species, and as long as the scientific community continue to suppress and ignore any alternative hypotheses and evidence, we will never progress.
Maybe Netflix has opened the door for more interested viewers to walk through and start to question what until now has been scratched from the human record. As much as it has helped us over the centuries, academia needs to reevaluate its strategies and try to open their minds to the possibility that their version of history needs an urgent update.