Extraterrestrial Shot Dead in New Jersey
For a complete overview of the UFO/ET situation read The Alien Enigma by JP Robinson.

[Please note: image above is for illustrative purposes only and has no relation to the incident in question.]
In 1978, an incredible incident allegedly took place in New Jersey, USA, which has somehow evaded both the attention of many UFO researchers and the mainstream community alike.
Two adjacent military bases Fort Dix and Fort McGuire played host to an incredible extraterrestrial and UFO encounter. UFOs were sighted flying over the bases during the early morning hours of January 18, and shortly afterwards Air Force security patrol were ordered to the back gate of McGuire AFB to allow entry to New Jersey State Police who were searching for something, but what?
State trooper Sgt. Jeff Morse (pseudonym) was one of the airmen on duty and was told that a Fort Dix MP was pursuing a low-flying object that had hovered so close that it was actually just above his car. Then according to the MP a small being with a large head and slender body appeared in front of his car, causing him to panic and shoot the alien several times with a .45 automatic. The being then fled over the fence which separates the two bases, before collapsing on the deserted runway and dying.

The body was found lying on the runway by Morse and his colleagues before other "blue beret" forces unfamiliar to Morse and his companion took over once Morse had followed the routine procedure of cordoning off the area of the "crime scene".
Later that day a C-141 cargo aircraft arrived from Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, where a team crated up the body, loaded it on board, before taking off. Morse and other participants were taken to Wright- Patterson AFB two days later where they interrogated and warned not to talk about the incident to anyone. (Morse supplied the names of the interrogation team taken from their name badges, and their identities have been verified.)

The information that follows is taken from the MUFON Symposium Proceedings, "THE FATAL ENCOUNTER AT FT. DIX-McGUIRE: A CASE STUDY; Status Report IV." by Leonard H. Stringfield.
The setting at Wright-Patterson was like that of a court martial, a table and chairs in an unadorned room which Morse describes as follows: "While there we were all together except for actual interrogations. Mine had two men, one apparently a civilian with pipe and beard who never spoke. At one point there were three men. One played nice guy, one mean guy, and, of course, the silent civilian. All they wanted to know was the nature of the incident, what I knew and then told me about my duty to keep my mouth shut... I signed a form and it is supposed to bind me for life."
Never once, as Morse recalls, did any of the interrogators offer information or an explanation of the incident. Nor did anyone ever refer to the retrieved dead body or suggest that it may have been of extraterrestrial origin. Said Morse, "they beat around the bush, all references to it were indirect." The day after the interrogation, Morse returned to McGuire, was debriefed by his Commanding Officer, Lt. Col. FM, and released for normal duty. The incident, he said, was not discussed again by anyone as though it never happened. Morse was debriefed by his commanding officer, a lieutenant colonel shortly after returning to McGuire AFB and heard no more about the incident. But it wasn't long before each of the airmen who had been involved was transferred to a separate overseas base. Morse was shipped to Okinawa, Japan.
Morse was within 40 to 70 feet from the dead body on the abandoned runway #5 at various times during his patrol duty but was never close enough to observe details such as facial features, or its hands and feet. However, under the glare of truck headlights, Morse did recall seeing the skin of the naked hairless body which he described as being wet, shiny, and snake-like. As reported in his initial letter, the entity was about 4 feet in height with a large head, slender torso, thin arms and legs, and overall, of greyish-brown colouration. The humanoid which was not human, seems to fit the anatomical description so often heard from military sources who have made claim to having seen entities at crash sites in the past and most likely fits the Zeta-Reticulan model commonly referred to as the Greys.
UFO researcher Leonard Stringfield wrote to the man using the pseudonym Sgt. Morse, to hear his version of events. Below is a copy of the letter Stringfield received as a reply to his correspondence:
REPLY TO: (deleted) ATTN OF: (deleted) (deleted)
SUBJECT: Response for Request of Information in Palation to U~ Contact and other Related information
TO: Len Stringfield
1. In January of 1978, I was station at McGuire AFB, N.J.. One evening , during the time frame of 0300 hrs. and O500 hrs., there were a number of UFO sightings in the area over the air field and Ft. DIX Army camp. I am a security policeman and was on routine patrol at the time. N.J. State Police, and Ft. Dix MP's were running code in the direction of Brownsville, N.J.. A state trooper then entered Gate #5 at the rear of the base requesting assistance and permission to enter. I was dispatched and the trooper wanted access to the runway area which led to the very back of the air field and connected with a heavily wooded area which is part of the Dix training area. He informed me that a Ft. Dix MP was pursuing a low flying object which then hovered over his car. He described it as oval shaped, with no details, and glowing with a blueish green color. His radio transmission was cut off. At that time in front of his police car, appeared a thing, about 4 ft. tall, greyish, brown, fat head, long arms, and slender body. The MP panicked and fired five rounds from his .45 Cal into the thing, and one round into the object above. The object then fled straight up and joined with eleven others high in the sky. This we all saw but didn't know the details at the time. Anyway, The thing ran into the woods towards our fence line and they wanted to look for it. By this time several patrols were involved.
2. We found the body of the thing near the runway. It had apparently climbed the fence and died while running. It was all of a sudden hush-hush and no one was allowed near the area. We roped off the area and AF OSI came out and took over. That was the last I saw of it. There was a bad stench coming from it too. Like ammonia smelling but it wasn't constant in the air. That day, a team from Wright-Patterson AFB came in a C-141 and went to the area. They crated it in a wooden box, sprayed something over it, and then put it into a bigger metal container. They loaded it in the plane and took off. That was it, nothing more said, no report made and we were all told not to have anything to say about it or we would be court-martialed.
3. I will be getting out of the air force in about two months. Do Not disclose my name as I could get into trouble. I am interested in pursuing this and other matters if you need help. Forgive me for not signing this but I can't take any chances. Please reply to the above address and my parents will forward it to me or I will be home already. Don't send it here because they monitor all mail closely and I again don't want to take any chances.

Another military figure has come forward in connection to the remarkable incident in New Jersey, but he has been brave enough to use his actual name. Major George Filer now retired (see image above), who was also stationed at McGuire AFB in 1978 was serving as an intelligence officer at the time of the incident and although he was not on duty that morning, he was witness to a lot of unusual activity and he heard talk about the "alien body" the following morning.
Discussing the case with Dr. Steven Greer for The Disclosure Project, Filer said "This particular morning, when I went into the command post, I was met by the head of the command post, and he said that it [had] been a very exciting evening - that [we'd] had UFOs over McGuire all night, that one had apparently landed or crashed at Fort Dix, and that when a military policeman came upon the alien, that he had pulled out a gun and shot him."He told researcher Richard Hall "Our security police went out there and found him at the end of the runway dead. They asked me to brief the general staff," but was later told not to.
In Greer's book Disclosure, Major Filer continued, "The security police were out there and had captured the body, so to speak, and were guarding it. He said that a C-141 from Wright-Patterson was coming in to pick up the body. That made me stand up, because I didn't realize that Wright-Patterson had C-141s." Filer was then told by his superiors that "We want you to brief us at the standup general briefing this morning and explain what happened to everybody".
"And, I said you want me to tell General Tom Sandler and everybody in the command post that we captured an alien?! They said, "Yes, we want you to brief them this morning." Well, I did some checking around, and I called the 38th Military Airlift Wing Command Post to check with them to see if the story was the same I was given. They said, yes, that they had heard the same information; they said that this actually did happen - that an alien was found on the base."
Filer is not new to UFO sightings either. He also chased a UFO over England when flying for the U.S. Air Force. "I didn't believe in UFOs until London Control called us in the winter of 1962 and asked us would we chase one? So we said sure." Since that day he has maintained an interest in the subject, claiming that "I personally have observed a UFO both visually and on radar. I've been chasing them ever since,".
Despite the apparent lack of physical evidence to legitimise this particular case, it is certainly consistent with other stories of a similar kind. The secrecy, the threats, the involvement of Wright-Patterson AFB once again as the site to house and conceal extraterrestrial bodies and craft. To delve deeper into this case click HERE to read Leo Stringfield's investigation in more depth.